LIPSedge™ APIs 経由で LIPSedge™ L210u / L215u Illuminator を制御

The LIPSedge™ SDK provides support for both native and OpenNI APIs, giving you access to the essential data and functionality required for programming purposes. In addition, the SDK includes extra APIs that enable you to control illuminators such as NIR and flood projectors, which can help save power and optimize thermal performance.

To access these functions, refer to the sample codes included in the LIPSedge™ L210/215 user guide in Appendix I. The APIs list for programming is available here, and you can easily include the sample code in your project through your IDE.


User APP L215u SDK API (middleware)


For more information on setting up the LIPSedge™ L Series , please visit the LIPS Developer Documentation page for details.

We hope this information helps you get started with the LIPSedge™ SDK. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us .

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