LIPSedge™ DL400 is a versatile and ready-to-use 3D ToF camera that outputs both 2D and 3D data with high depth resolution in real-time. Works straight out of the box by plugging it to a host running Windows or Linux through USB 3.0 Micro-B interface, being the best suitable for applications including Machine Vision, Medical detections, AR/VR, Gaming and Smart Devices
2 to 6 meters detection
The LIPSedge™ DL400 implements Time-of-Flight for use cases that require certain distances due to installation or privacy concerns
Time of flight sensors uses modulated light source to illuminate the scene. Observing the reflected light from scene, while it measures the difference in phase shift between illuminated signal and reflected signal and translates it to distance.
The LIPSedge™ DL400 integrates 4 units of Edge Emitting Lasers as its technology makes possible for use cases that require extended and amplified, wider and broader reach coverage
Use ToF for 3D depth both low light and bright scenes as its technology gets unaffected by the ambient light conditions
Transfer image and depth data 10 times faster Introducing two unidirectional data paths, SSRx+/SSRx- and SSTx+/SSTx-, which run in parallel with the existing D-/D+ data bus, USB 3.0 can transfer data simultaneously 10 times faster than its predecessor.
Remain in the same session even after occasional disconnection
(<15 seconds) without restarting Know more…
Work straight out of the box by plugging the LIPSedge ™ DL400 to a host running Windows or Linux through USB 3.0 Micro-B interface
Use standard UVC for instantly without integration bottlenecks
Our open‑source SDK 2.0 offers a variety of wrappers supporting popular programming languages and platforms
We are now offering limited LIPSedge™ DL400 samples for early customer engagement. Contact us to get your sample today!