Low-Latency Robotic Vision
Accelerate your robotic vision with LIPSedge™ devices on both x86 and ARM while fully supporting industry widely used SDK and Wrappers
Ruggedized Industrial 3D Depth Camera
FOV 65° x 40° x 72°
Rolling Shutter / IMU
Range: 0.16 ~ 10m
Compact & Light-weight Ruggedized
3D Stereo Camera for Robotics & Edge-AI
FOV 65° x 40° x 72°
Rolling Shutter / IMU
Range: 0.16 ~ 10m
Ruggedized 3D Camera with
Enhanced Range
Ruggedized 3D Camera with Enhanced Range
FOV 87° x 58° x 95°
Global Shutter / IMU
Range: 0.52 ~ 10+m
Compact Ruggedized 3D Stereo Camera for Robotics & Edge-AI with Enhanced Range
Compact Ruggedized 3D Stereo Camera for
Robotics & Edge-AI with Enhanced Range
FOV 87° x 58° x 95°
Global Shutter / IMU
Range: 0.52 ~ 10+m
All-purpose ToF camera with
USB Plug & Play
All-purpose ToF camera with USB Plug & Play
FOV 74.2° x 58.1° x 88°
EEL x 2
Range: 0.2 ~ 4 m
Enhanced All-purpose ToF camera with USB Plug & Play
FOV 74.1° x 57.5° x 92°
EEL x 4
Range: 2 ~ 6 m
Embedded ToF camera with built-in IMU
FOV 74.1° x 57.5° x 92°
LED x 2 / IMU
Range: 0.2 ~ 4 m
Standalone 3D ToF Camera with FPGA
FOV 74.2° x 58.1° x 88°
LED x 8
Range: 2 ~ 8 m
Accelerate 3D Vision & AI Applications
2 x 2.5G PoE+ Ports
PCIe End-point Mode
CUDA & OpenCL Support
Handheld Dimensioner Kit
For Handheld Devices
Fast & Accurate
Multiple Shapes
Touchless Interface Camera Kit
Portrait Screen
Real-time Interaction
Click & Scroll
Accelerate your robotic vision with LIPSedge™ devices on both x86 and ARM while fully supporting industry widely used SDK and Wrappers
LIPSedge™ devices are empowered with the latest Edge Computing technology, meeting next generation A.I. and Neural Processing demands.
Parallel processing(OpenCL, FPGA and DSP)
Algorithms base on depth and RGB information for DL & traditional programming
Customization for all tiers